*GK Important Questions*


1. How Many colors are in rainbow (7)

2. Land is divided into how many parts (7)

3. Capital of Nepal (khatmando)

4. First capital of Pakistan (Karachi)

5. Pakistan nuclear test on (28 may 1998)

6. How many players in cricket (11)

7. Obama was president of which country (USA)

8. NWFP becomes KPK in which amendment (18th)

9. Fasting is essential in which month (Ramzan)

10. Which element of is called sacrifice for wealth (Zakat)

11. Prophet Muhammad's tribe Banu (Hashim)

12. Ismail A.S was son of (Ibrahim A.S)

13 Torah is a book of (Judaism )

14. Which is main organ for respiratory (lungs)

15. Sharks are (Fish)

16. Which was east Pakistan (Bangladesh)

17. Pakistan joined SEATO in 1954 was sponsored by (USA)

18. Which surah is called heart of Quran (Yaseen)

19. How long does it take the earth to revolve around the Sun (1 year)

20. Highest civil award (Nishan e Pakistan very)

21. Ziarat is in which province (Balochistan)

22. Covid 19 is (Virus)

23. Jehad means (Struggle)

24. 9th Zilhaj is Also Called (Youm-e -Arfa)

25. Masjid Quba mentioned in Which Surah (Surah Touba)