When the Gods Won’t Take No for an
 Answer: Rapist Gods in Hinduism.


Vishnu is said to have assaulted Tulsi/Vrinda by accepting the pretense of her significant other. What can be more revolting than a divine being assaulting a modest woman? What's more, much more terrible is the festival of this assault as a celebration. Indeed you read that right. Hindus gladly commend the assault of Vrinda by Vishnu in a celebration called Tulsi Vivah.

Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Yudha Khanda 5, Ch 23.38-45 "On seeing her significant other, Vrnda also was more than happy. She failed to remember her distress. She thought about everything a fantasy. Savored the experience of the heart and with every one of the torpid interests encouraged up, she donned with him for a long time in that backwoods. Once toward the finish of the sex she understood that it was Visnu. Vrnda reproached him irately and talked along these lines. Vrnda said: — Fie on this wrongdoing of Visnu in shocking the humility of another man's better half. I have now acknowledged you as the wielder of deception, showing up in the pretense of an austere. Sanatkumara said: — O Vyasa, expressing in this way in extraordinary displeasure she showed her splendid powers as a resolute pure woman by reviling Visnu. "O base enemy of the Daityas, defiler of others' goodness, O fiendish one, take this revile from me, more prominent in force than all people. The two people whom you made to show up before me will become Raksasas and snatch your significant other. You will be troubled by virtue of partition from your significant other wandering about with Sesa 'ruler of snakes' who acted like your devotee here. You will look for the assistance of monkeys in the backwoods."