What is Religion?
Religion is a scope of social frameworks, including assigned ways of behaving and rehearses, ethics, convictions, perspectives, texts, purified places, predictions, morals, or associations, that by and large relate humankind to powerful, supernatural, and otherworldly elements — in spite of the fact that there is no insightful agreement over what exactly is a religion. Various religions could conceivably contain different components going from the divine, sacredness, faith, and an extraordinary being or beings.

Strict practices might incorporate customs, messages, recognition or worship (of gods or holy people), penances, celebrations, feasts, dazes, inceptions, wedding and funerary administrations, reflection, petition, music, craftsmanship, dance or public help. Religions have hallowed accounts and stories, which might be saved in sacrosanct texts, images and heavenly spots, that basically expect to give life meaning. Religions might contain representative stories that might endeavor to make sense of the beginning of life, the universe, and different peculiarities; a few supporters accept these to be valid stories. Generally, both confidence and reason have been viewed as wellsprings of strict beliefs.

There are an expected 10,000 particular religions worldwide, however practically every one of them have territorially based, moderately little followings. Four religions — Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism — represent more than 77% of the total populace, and 92% of the world either follows one of those four religions or distinguishes as nonreligious, implying that the leftover 9,000+ beliefs represent just 8% of the populace consolidated. The strictly unaffiliated segment incorporates the people who relate to no specific religion, skeptics, and freethinkers, albeit numerous in the segment actually have different strict beliefs. A piece of the populace, for the most part situated in Africa and Asia, are individuals from new strict movements. Researchers have demonstrated that worldwide legalism might be expanding because of strict nations having commonly higher birth rates.

The investigation of religion contains a wide assortment of scholastic disciplines, including religious philosophy, reasoning of religion, similar religion, and social logical examinations. Speculations of religion offer different clarifications for its starting points and operations, including the ontological underpinnings of strict being and conviction